With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s time for us to think about our loved ones and the thoughtful, meaningful gifts we might purchase for them. But wait … this post is for US! That is, what do WE really want as a gift? 😉 Every year I see guys aimlessly wandering around, looking puzzled, trudging uncomfortably through lingerie departments, usually waiting until the LAST MINUTE to look for that perfect pressie. Problem solved!!
Whether you’re going to “self-gift” or pass this on to your favorite person who may be contemplating a little token of affection for you (hint hint), here is a selection of treats I would be over the moon about if they showed up on my doorstep wrapped with a pretty ribbon!
You can thank me later haha — here’s my roundup!!
splurge gifts
Not splurge … but still great
Happy Valentine’s Day, and thank you for reading! xoxo Susie
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